Module 20 – Certification Agreement

After completing all of the Modules, tasks, activities and assessments and submitting them to your mentor, download the Certification Agreement,  complete and sign it and send it to us at Thank you. We look forward to confirming your certification...

Module 20 – Loving Yourself – Assessment and Activity Report

1. Assessment Complete and submit your Assignment 12 and submit it here. Download the Assessment instructions and form here:  Radical Living Module 20 – Assessment 12 2. Activity A reminder of the Questions you will be asked in the Activity (Quiz) Write a...

Module 18 – Coaching Radical Relationships – Activity Report

Step 1: Click the Start Quiz/Report button in Lesson 4 of Module 18. Step 2: Type your answer in the field provided. Step 3: Click Next to go on to the next question. Step 4: At the bottom of the page of the last question click the button that says, “Finish...

Module 17- Radical Relationships – Activity Report

Step 1: Click the Start Quiz/Report button on the Four Phases of a Relationship Worksheet (quiz) and the Embracing My Shadow Worksheet (quiz) ( in Module 17) Step 2: Type your answer in the field provided. Step 3: Click Next to go on to the next question. Step 4: At...

Module 16 Activity -The Radical Grieving Exercise and Activity Report

The Radical Grieving Exercise: All the tools we use to shift into the new paradigm help us to ‘fake-it-till-we-make-it,’ this exercise will help you ‘fake’ letting go of all the old ideas about death. Then one day you might discover that you have in fact let it go...

Module 15 – Marketing Matters – Activity Report

Step 1: Click the Start Quiz/Report button on the bottom of Lesson 6. Step 2: Type your answer in the field provided. Step 3: Click Next to go on to the next question. Step 4: At the bottom of the page of the last question click the button that says, “Finish...