Radical Forgiveness Coach Training – Module 7 Quiz


After completing each test, you can click on Quiz Summary. If it shows that you have failed to reach a pass rate of 80% you will need to restart the quiz and have another go at it. The system will not let you go on to the next module until you have reached the required 80% pass rate.


Step 1: Click on the Start Quiz button. It will become highlighted to show you are ready to begin answering the questions.

Step 2: Attempt to answer the first question.

> If you are not able to answer the question, try clicking the Hint button or Skip Question to try again in another attempt at the Quiz

Step 3: Click Next to go on to the next question. (The number of questions to be answered will show at the top of the page.)

Step 4: Click on Finish Quiz. Your score will be calculated automatically.

> If it is less than 80% click on the Restart Button to repeat the quiz. (To see all the questions and how you answered them click on the View Questions button.)


Step 5: When you have completed the Quiz, go to the bottom of the page and click the button that says, “Click Here to Continue.”  This will mark that your unit is complete on the main Course page and you will move to the next Module.

Now Let’s Get Started

Coach Training Module 7 Quiz