Once you have completed it, make sure you indicate you have finished the module and then you’ll be able to go to the
main menu to print your certificate.
This Agreement is made between the Institute for Radical Forgiveness Therapy & Coaching, Inc., hereinafter known as ‘The Institute,’
and Log in , hereinafter known as ‘Graduate,’ and shall be deemed effective as of the date of the signature below. In consideration for Graduate’s satisfactory completion of the required course of study and payment in full of tuition for such course, the Institute agrees to certify Graduate as a Radical Forgiveness Coach. The Institute further agrees that Graduate’s certification will remain in effect subject to the provisions of Paragraph 5 below.
1. DEFINITION: All parties understand that Radical Forgiveness is a spiritual philosophy and, insofar as it has practical application to people’s lives by virtue of the spiritual perspective that it gives on life, it can be seen as having therapeutic value in the spiritual area of life. It is understood, however, that it is not therapy in the normal sense of the word since it is not an intervention, a mind-altering technique or a psychotherapeutic modality. It is only therapy insofar as it gives a spiritual perspective that a person can use to apply, in the manner of self-help, to a problem or situation with which s/he is dealing.
2. RADICAL FORGIVENESS COACH: This designation recognizes that Graduate has satisfactorily completed the required training and, in the opinion of the Directors of the Institute, is competent to share the ideas, concepts and principles of Radical Forgiveness as they are defined in the book, Radical Forgiveness, Making Room for the Miracle, by Colin Tipping, with other people and to introduce them to certain ‘self-help’ exercises and processes outlined in the book or given to Graduate during the training, or afterwards, by the Directors. This sharing can be done one-on-one, in groups or as lectures and seminars. Graduate understands that, as a Coach, he/she is not to represent him/herself as a ‘therapist’ or a
‘counselor,’ unless he/she had previously been credentialed as such or shall, at some time in the future, become otherwise trained and certified or licensed as a therapist in good standing through some other recognized validating body, in which case the term ‘therapist’ would be applicable to that training, not to the training supplied by the Institute. Graduate also understands that this training and certification does not qualify him/her to facilitate Satori Breathwork sessions, nor to facilitate anger work or psychodrama.
3. INDEPENDENT STATUS: Graduate understands that in whatever way s/he chooses to share Radical Forgiveness with others, s/he is an independent contractor acting on his/her own and is not a representative or spokesperson for, or in any other way connected as an employee of or contractor for, the Institute. All parties further understand that the Institute is not responsible for any negligence on the part of Graduate or for anything Graduate says or does in the course of his/her work; neither shall the Institute be liable for any damage or injury caused by Graduate or for any such claims made against him or her.
4. INTEGRITY: Graduate is granted the right to use the Radical Forgiveness logo and to use the term ‘Radical Forgiveness’ in all of his/her literature, provided that all literature and collateral material shall be subject to approval by the Institute prior to being printed. Graduate agrees to abide by a high ethical and moral standard in the way that s/he shares this work with people and to have due regard for the integrity of Radical Forgiveness as defined by Colin Tipping in the book, Radical Forgiveness, Making Room for the Miracle, and agrees not to change or modify the approach in such a way as to weaken or compromise the essential message.
5. ONGOING CERTIFICATION: Continuing certification under this Agreement shall be contingent upon the graduate maintaining and updating his/her knowledge of the writings of Colin Tipping and online programs and tools as they are created and become available. Both parties further agree that all terms, stipulations and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for so long as shall continue to engage in offering services as a Radical Forgiveness Coach.