Walking 3 People through the Radical Forgiveness Worksheet

Congratulations on completing the Radical Forgiveness Worksheet. We are quite certain that by now you are an expert and feeling confident in your ability to walk a client through it with clarity and ease.

So, now is the time for you to line up 3 people to do just that. They can be family, friends, or clients. Yes, we said clients. Paying clients, at that. Why not get yourself out there and start building your practice. You tell them you are in training but that you will be able to see them as clients once you have been certified as a Radical Forgiveness Coach.

1. There are two ways to do the worksheet as a group:

a) The Radical Forgiveness Worksheet that they can download:
– Go to www.radicalforgiveness.org
– Hover over Courses in the menu bar and click Free Tools
– Click the Download Here button below the Radical Forgiveness Worksheet – it is in a pdf format that can be printed or emailed

b) The Online Interactive Radical Forgiveness Worksheet:
– The link is below, but this option must be done in an environment where you can share your screen, or sit with your chosen ‘clients’ around your pc.  The online interactive version is only available for those people registered on the course itself.

The Online Interactive Radical Forgiveness Worksheet

2. Download the Worksheet Report template provided below.

In the Topic attached to this Module, download the worksheet and complete it, providing the dates you worked with each person, their name, and what insights they received from doing the worksheet. Also write a brief report and what you experienced as a coach, any challenges you ran into, and any other information you would like to share.

3. Click the upload button in the Topic, to send us that report.

Once you have uploaded your report you will be able to proceed to Module 11.

Good Luck!