The International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership (IIRFL) has been borne out of the Institute for Radical Forgiveness, which was developed by Colin Tipping in 1997. In 2018, Colin chosen Godfrey O’Flaherty to be the Custodian and owner of the Radical Forgiveness work. Godfrey has bought all the Radical Forgiveness Intellectual Property, as well as the business of Radical Forgiveness, as a Global Enterprise from Collin Tipping.
The Institute’s mission is to raise consciousness through expanding forgiveness across the globe. The IIRFL is the official international body which will govern all the work of Radical Forgiveness, globally.
Radical Forgiveness has been translated into 9 languages across 51 countries. The IIRFL accredit and register coaches across the globe, to add to its already thriving body of coaches and students.
Additionally, IIRFL will continue to expand its global reach, as it recently set up the Africa Institute Affiliate for IIRFL. The Africa Institute will work throughout the continent in the field of forgiveness and as a bridge-building institution for individuals, organizations and communities.
Training and Development
Under the direction of Godfrey O’Flaherty, we are establishing a Centre for Research, to focus on coaching research about the impact of forgiveness and healing of the body, mind and soul. The Institute is in the process of refreshing our current Radical Forgiveness Coaching and developing other future programs, including:
The IIRFL will house the Colin Tipping Foundation, in loving memory of Colin and his incredible work. This foundation will be a philanthropic organization, managed on behalf of funders. It aims to create projects and programs run under the Radical Forgiveness banner that will facilitate emotional healing around the world. Using the Radical Forgiveness methodologies, projects will include developing youth leaders, addressing gender base discrimination and guiding communities globally on dealing with social challenges. (Using the Radical Forgiveness technology, example projects include developing youth leaders, empowering woman and dealing with social challenges faced by communities around the world.)
IIRFL seeks to play a more active role in the education space. We aim to equip the youth globally, especially from disadvantageous communities to deal effectively with the challenges these communities face. With this aim in mind we strive to contribute constructively to the emotional wellbeing of young learners, throughout the world. The Colin Tipping philanthropy foundation will fund these international systemic forgiveness projects. The mission of the Colin Tipping Foundation is to facilitate emotional wellbeing, living with awareness and resilience which will enable learners to embrace, advance and develop their full human potential.
Finally, leadership development is also at the heart of the Institute’s future focus. With the IIRFL, Godfrey seeks to use his passion and experience in leadership development, by creating programs that will help leaders in communities, organizations and all walks of life to rise above their own egos and in so doing being released from their shadow that derails them from their purpose. In this way, the IIRFL aims to bring reconciliation and promote healing through Radical Forgiveness programs.
The International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership looks forward to partnering with you on this personal growth and development journey
Video Three: Positioning Yourself
Hi there. Welcome to Video #3 in Module 1. This is where we talk about “How to Position Yourself as a Radical Living Master Coach.”
Now, do you recall what we said in video #1 about knowing your worth and being confident in your ability to deliver great value? Well, positioning is all about projecting that belief in yourself and your ability to solve the problems to your ideal client base. It’s all about creating a public presence that the people you want to attract will relate to and identify with.
So, that means having a good website that positions you in the way you want it to, or a Business Facebook page that does the same thing. Some people are not bothering to have a website these days relying instead on having a Facebook page, doing Facebook ads, and regular postings to do the work. We recommend you get expert advice on this. Things like this move quickly and what is true today might not be true tomorrow.
Now, it may be too early in the game to know who your ideal client is, but it is a question to have at the forefront of your mind as you go through the course. That way you’ll have a pretty good idea what kind of people that you want to work with, assuming that you don’t know already.
There are two approaches that you can take to this.
When you become known as the #1 go-to expert in that field, you can name your price. If you are a generalist, you have no choice but to compete on price, and that usually means a race to the bottom.
When you cater to a special niche, you begin to build a list comprising people who, once you have their trust and respect, will respond to you and can be relied upon to attend your events, your webinars, classes, and group coaching sessions if you have them. You should, of course, because working with groups is the way to leverage your time, so you create a decent income with minimal effort. You won’t make a lot of money doing only one-on-one sessions at an hourly rate, believe us. You can only
do a certain number of sessions in a day.
But, if you do one or more 10 week classes with 10-20 people in them that take just 3 hours of your time per week for each class, that will not only generate a really decent income for you, but you will touch a lot more people that way. And, what we find is that once you have done a few classes, you don’t have to do any more advertising. It’s word of mouth from then on. In Module #6 we give you full details on a 10-week class you can run. The one exception we would make is that if you know a lot of people in your locality who are even a little bit spiritual who you can call on to get the first 3 10-week courses done, that will get you started. Word of mouth will do the rest. After doing the course, women often send their husbands to the next available class. And they attend because they’ve seen the results in their lives and want the same for themselves.
So, put your mind to thinking of all possible niches you might feel some affinity towards or have a connection with, that you might cultivate and in time gain their trust. Imagine yourself becoming seen by them as the one expert who understands their specific needs. The one who has the solution to their specific kinds of problems.
We examine this more in Module #2 when we look at what all is encompassed in the idea of Radical Living and what are the typical problems to which you might have the solution, no matter what niche you might be nurturing.
It does take some thinking about to identify a possible niche, and this is actually an assignment for you to see if you can come up with one or more niches that would be good business practice for you to nurture.
For example, you might have a possible niche based on a particular interest or passion of yours. Or an area of knowledge you are already an expert in. Or relating to your own personal experience of something shared by a lot of people – things like discrimination, or abuse, and so on.
Or maybe something that is derivative of your own career experience and training.
Then there is health related knowledge and experience that you might have special knowledge on. Especially with particular things like cancer, or MS, or depression, and so on. Or it could be based on a trauma or some form of victimization that you have experienced yourself in the past and know how to talk to people about it. Or to have some identification with groups or disadvantaged people, for example. That might be another niche.
You might be able to relate to those who had spouses cheat on them, for example. Or the experience of being the ‘other woman.’
There’s no limit to how many niches there are out there, but if you can relate to them personally, you will be at a great advantage. So that’s it for Module #1, and we’ll now open the gate to Module #2.