The International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership (IIRFL) has been borne out of the Institute for Radical Forgiveness, which was developed by Colin Tipping in 1997. In 2018, Colin chosen Godfrey O’Flaherty to be the Custodian and owner of the Radical Forgiveness work. Godfrey has bought all the Radical Forgiveness Intellectual Property, as well as the business of Radical Forgiveness, as a Global Enterprise from Collin Tipping.
The Institute’s mission is to raise consciousness through expanding forgiveness across the globe. The IIRFL is the official international body which will govern all the work of Radical Forgiveness, globally.
Radical Forgiveness has been translated into 9 languages across 51 countries. The IIRFL accredit and register coaches across the globe, to add to its already thriving body of coaches and students.
Additionally, IIRFL will continue to expand its global reach, as it recently set up the Africa Institute Affiliate for IIRFL. The Africa Institute will work throughout the continent in the field of forgiveness and as a bridge-building institution for individuals, organizations and communities.
Training and Development
Under the direction of Godfrey O’Flaherty, we are establishing a Centre for Research, to focus on coaching research about the impact of forgiveness and healing of the body, mind and soul. The Institute is in the process of refreshing our current Radical Forgiveness Coaching and developing other future programs, including:
The IIRFL will house the Colin Tipping Foundation, in loving memory of Colin and his incredible work. This foundation will be a philanthropic organization, managed on behalf of funders. It aims to create projects and programs run under the Radical Forgiveness banner that will facilitate emotional healing around the world. Using the Radical Forgiveness methodologies, projects will include developing youth leaders, addressing gender base discrimination and guiding communities globally on dealing with social challenges. (Using the Radical Forgiveness technology, example projects include developing youth leaders, empowering woman and dealing with social challenges faced by communities around the world.)
IIRFL seeks to play a more active role in the education space. We aim to equip the youth globally, especially from disadvantageous communities to deal effectively with the challenges these communities face. With this aim in mind we strive to contribute constructively to the emotional wellbeing of young learners, throughout the world. The Colin Tipping philanthropy foundation will fund these international systemic forgiveness projects. The mission of the Colin Tipping Foundation is to facilitate emotional wellbeing, living with awareness and resilience which will enable learners to embrace, advance and develop their full human potential.
Finally, leadership development is also at the heart of the Institute’s future focus. With the IIRFL, Godfrey seeks to use his passion and experience in leadership development, by creating programs that will help leaders in communities, organizations and all walks of life to rise above their own egos and in so doing being released from their shadow that derails them from their purpose. In this way, the IIRFL aims to bring reconciliation and promote healing through Radical Forgiveness programs.
The International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership looks forward to partnering with you on this personal growth and development journey
Welcome to Module 20, which as you are very much aware means that you have reached the end of the course. Congratulations!
Well, it’s only fitting, we think, to have the final Module in the course be about loving oneself.
And, there’s no reason why it couldn’t be one of the shortest videos in the whole course if only you will accept right now that every human being, including you, is a perfect expression of the Divine. And, that since the Divine is perfect Love — so are you.
You must have got it by now that our true nature is Love, and the purpose of your soul’s journey is to expand into it and, after the awakening, to have love in your heart for everyone and everything, unconditionally.
It’s at that point that we become the luminaries we talked about in the first and second modules of this course.
Thinking that we should TRY to love ourselves means we’re already out of alignment with Spirit.
When we can love what is, as is, we shall not be concerned with trying to love ourselves.
We shall simply BE Love.
After all, think how much self- hatred we put ourselves through during the pre-awakening phase, just to get as many karmic units as possible. Self-hatred is a very painful form of separation.
The problem is, it is so deeply embedded in our consciousness that we forget to let go of the false perception that we’re not OK. We continue to use self-destructive self-talk to deny ourselves the compassion, mercy, and grace we are willing to extend to others.
Even when we have awakened, while we see others as divine beings, we withhold that benediction from ourselves by berating ourselves for being not awakened enough, or not spiritual enough to qualify.
Our spiritual challenge then is to accept that we are perfect the way we are, always have been, and always will be. Of course, as spiritual beings living a human life, we will appear as less than perfect. But, from a spiritual point of view, our perfection lies in our very imperfection. Without our seeming imperfections, the game of life would not function. We are living our destiny exactly as was agreed before our incarnation, which means we are just as worthy of Love and, therefore, our own Love, as anyone else.
But, we are still faced with the question of how do we help clients who have spent years thinking and believing negative thoughts about themselves, feeling worthless, and undeserving of love? It’s no good telling someone who hates themselves that they should love themselves. In fact, it will almost certainly make them feel worse.
In order to be of any real assistance to them, you will need to use a lot of our tools and processes, probably starting out with the:
It’s going to take some work, so it’s no good thinking it can be achieved in just one or two sessions. We would say more like ten.
Having said all that, you will not have the kind of success with a client as you would like, if you have yet to find love for yourself.
As a Radical Living Master Coach, and most certainly if you aspire to be a luminary, you need to get really comfortable with who you are and able to love yourself no matter what — most of the time, anyway.
You may well have work to do in this area yet, especially in the beginning where you are bound to have moments when you will doubt yourself and feel that you’re not good enough, or that you never seem to do it right. If you are a perfectionist, this will certainly be a challenge for you. As mentioned already, coming to love yourself is not an easy process for we have been conditioned to expect more of ourselves than it is possible to be.
This is why it is so important that you have your own coach. Someone you can turn to and share your doubts and fears, as well as work on yourself in other ways, especially in the early days when you are just feeling your way as a Radical Living Master Coach.
You have the tools as well to keep you moving in the right direction, but there is another way that you can practice developing love for yourself, and that is — love others as enthusiastically as you can.
It is often said that you cannot love others if you haven’t first found Love for yourself first. We disagree. When you focus on giving love to others, it is impossible not to feel good about yourself. It is heart-warming to give Love, and it is your heart which is warmed as well as the heart of the beloved.
When you love others, the Love is mirrored back to you immediately and in equal measure. You can’t avoid it because if you love someone, your heart is already open. Giving and receiving are the same.
So, if you want to develop real love for yourself, start by seeing the perfection in everyone around you, and let that perfection shine the light on your own unique divine essence.
So here we are back to where we started with this video: that you are part of the divine essence which is Love, which means that you are Love. You just have to remember that.
Here is a poem by Neil Rogan, that really brings it home:
Having reached this far means that you have completed all requirements for certification as a Radical Living Master Coach.
So, all that is left now is to send us your report on the 10-Day class. The instructions on how to do that are below. You will then be fully certified.
Then begin sharing Radical Forgiveness with as many people as you can from a space of Love for yourself as well as for those you touch. And, please, please, please never say to yourself, “I’m not good enough yet.” You are ready now, and Spirit will support you, I guarantee.
And, we at the Institute have total faith in you.
So once, again, congratulations, good luck, and Namaste.