Preamble to Module 11: Other Radical Forgiveness Tools

How did it go with your 3 clients and you taking them through the worksheet?

We are sure you got more comfortable with it as you did more, and even if you were a little nervous, the worksheet works on its own. We get emails all the time from people who have had significant energy shifts from just doing one simple worksheet. With all of the studying you have done, you know the worksheet pretty well and can be a great coach to anyone who passes your threshold looking for guidance. Good work!

We’ve given you two modules to work through this week. The Tools Module is a review of the other helpful tools Colin developed over the years that you can carry in that ever-expanding bag of yours. It shouldn’t take you very long at all.

You then get to learn about Radical Self-Empowerment which includes Self-Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance. If you could actually see your own thoughts and capture your deepest beliefs about yourself, chances are what they would not be very pretty. You have been programmed by events and other people to think and believe in certain ways inconsistent with who you truly are. Guilt, shame, self-hatred and simply feeling unworthy keep so many of us from reaching our true potential.

But don’t worry. Learning these techniques will clear your consciousness of guilt, shame and self-defeating thoughts that prevent you from loving and accepting yourself unconditionally, just the way you are in all your magnificent imperfection.

When you are finished, you will take 2 people through the Radical Empowerment worksheet so you can complete your report in the final module.

Here’s your list:

Module 11 — Other Radical Forgiveness Tools

  • 2 Training videos: Video 1 — Other Radical Forgiveness Tools and Video 2 — The 13-Steps Radical Forgiveness Process
  • 4 PDF files: Acceptance Worksheet, the 4-Steps Worksheet, Escaping from Victim land and the 13 Steps to Radical Forgiveness Script1
  • 1 Audio: 13-Steps to Radical Forgiveness Audio

Your Assignments for this module:

  • Watch Videos 1 and 2
  • Download and review all Additional Training Resources
  • Download the 13-Steps to Radical Forgiveness audio
  • Review Chapters 25-30 in the Radical Forgiveness eBook for an understanding of other tools you should know
  • Take the Quiz